• розвиток
  • благодійність
  • інвестиції
  • сприяння
  • можливості
  • ініціативи
  • добробут
  • культура
  • освіта
  • мистецтво
  • наука
  • спадщина
  • служіння
  • цінності
  • зміни

Grant competition “Anti Covid 19”

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Zagoriy Foundation has held a grant competition to support projects aimed at countering COVID-19. 

The Covid 19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the Ukrainian charity sector. At such a time, it is important to pay maximum attention to non-profit organizations. 

The Zagoriy Foundation is implementing a number of activities, including: 

— Support and coordination of actions to provide Ukrainian hospitals with everything they need;  

— Providing direct assistance to Ukrainian hospitals;  

— Implementing information campaigns for the public to counteract COVID-19;  

— Providing grant support to charitable foundations whose activities are aimed at combating the coronavirus.  

Objective: To support projects aimed at preventing, overcoming, and mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine.  

Topics of the grant competition: 

— Information and education that will help spread scientifically based knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic and debunk myths around it.  

— Promotion and implementation of social initiatives aimed at self-organization of people for mutual assistance.  

The amount of the grant is up to UAH 300,000.