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Grant activity

Grant competition “Effective fundraising tools”


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Grant competition “Effective fundraising tools”

The Zagoriy Foundation held a grant competition “Effective Fundraising Tools” to enable non-profit organizations to effectively and creatively attract donors

According to the study “Charity in Ukraine: an inside look”, one of the main constraints to the development of non-profit organizations in Ukraine is the lack of financial resources in organizations.

Very often, grant competitions, crowdfunding, cooperation with businesses, and other fundraising opportunities are aimed only at implementing projects, and administrative costs are left out.

Objective: To spread the practice of cooperation between non-profit organizations to strengthen resources in the sector, achieve better results in current activities and overcome the consequences of the war.

Contest topics

— Fundraising campaigns.

Projects aimed at implementing and communicating specific new or existing fundraising campaigns aimed at raising financial and material resources for social projects.

— Involving people in the ongoing support of organizations

Projects that create mechanisms for regular contributions to the administrative and/or project needs of organizations.

The amount of the grant is up to UAH 300 thousand.

Applications were accepted from July 1 to August 15, 2021. 

Grant competition “New approaches to the communication of charitable projects”


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Grant competition “New approaches to the communication of charitable projects”

Zagoriy Foundation has held a grant competition “New Approaches to the communication of charitable projects”.

The mission of the Zagoriy Foundation is to develop a culture of charity. According to the study “Charity in the Eyes of Ukrainians 2021”, successful communication and dissemination of information about projects increase the level of trust in the work of charitable institutions, as well as increase the number of partnerships and donors. 

Objective: Strengthening communication of social and charitable projects that are at the planning and/or implementation stage. We believe that high-quality communication will help build trusting relationships between a charitable foundation, its target audiences, and beneficiaries.

Topics of the grant competition. 

— Attracting resources to charity;

— Involvement of people in charity.

The amount of the grant is up to UAH 300 thousand.  

Applications were accepted from March 1 to April 1, 2021.

Grant competition “Innovative ideas of the culture of giving development in Ukraine”


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Grant competition “Innovative ideas of the culture of giving development in Ukraine”

Zagoriy Foundation held a grant competition “Innovative ideas for the development of a culture of charity” aimed at developing a culture of charity in Ukraine. 

Developing a culture of charity is the mission of the Zagoriy Foundation. We are working towards this goal by sharing best practices and shaping charity trends.  

According to the results of the study “Charity in the Eyes of Ukrainians 2019”, conducted by the Zagoriy Foundation in 2019, the development of a culture of charity is possible under the following conditions:

– Increased capacity of non-governmental organizations to provide charitable assistance;  

– Increasing the level of trust in charitable foundations among the population;

– increasing the number of participants involved in charity.  

Objective: To support projects that will contribute to the formation of a culture of charity in Ukraine through the implementation of training programs, new approaches and involvement of people in charity. 

Contest topics:   

— Cohesion, community mobilization and cross-sectoral cooperation for the development of charity;

— Education in the field of charity;

— Promotion of charity.

Grant amount: up to UAH 300,000.

Grant competition “Anti Covid 19”


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Grant competition “Anti Covid 19”

Zagoriy Foundation has held a grant competition to support projects aimed at countering COVID-19. 

The Covid 19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the Ukrainian charity sector. At such a time, it is important to pay maximum attention to non-profit organizations. 

The Zagoriy Foundation is implementing a number of activities, including: 

— Support and coordination of actions to provide Ukrainian hospitals with everything they need;  

— Providing direct assistance to Ukrainian hospitals;  

— Implementing information campaigns for the public to counteract COVID-19;  

— Providing grant support to charitable foundations whose activities are aimed at combating the coronavirus.  

Objective: To support projects aimed at preventing, overcoming, and mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine.  

Topics of the grant competition: 

— Information and education that will help spread scientifically based knowledge about the COVID-19 pandemic and debunk myths around it.  

— Promotion and implementation of social initiatives aimed at self-organization of people for mutual assistance.  

The amount of the grant is up to UAH 300,000.  

Zagoriy Foundation
Culture of giving
Grant competition