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Preservation of Saint Sophia Cathedral: the project supported by the philanthropists


The modern day philanthropists have funded buying and installation of Swiss innovative and ecological devices Biodry in Saint Sophia’s complex of buildings. The devices interrupt the interferences created by the underground movement of groundwater thus restoring the original balance to the wall.

Zagoriy Foundation together with pharmaceutical companies «Darnitsa» and «InterChem» have implemented the project on preservation of Saint Sophia Cathedral and the complex of adjoining monastic buildings from excessive humidity. Swiss innovative system BioDry launches a natural drying process. The devices work autonomously, without electricity.

Saint Sophia is one of the most significant historic sites recognized by the UNESCO World Heritage Program. The Cathedral is a spiritual and cultural centre of Ukraine, which accumulates unique knowledge and wisdom of Ukrainians over the last millennium. Philanthropists have funded the renovation of the Cathedral for centuries. That is why we still have an opportunity to enjoy the ancient architecture and the most complete ensemble of mosaics and frescoes in the world from the 11th century. Saint Sophia has 260 sq.m of mosaics and 3000 sq.m of frescoes, which are the real masterpiece.

The BioDry system helps to restore an appropriate humidity level, extends the building’s life and saves it for the next generations. The same technology is used for restoring significant historic sites all over the world. For instance, the system has been installed in Palazzo Montecitorio in Rome, Enzo Ferrari Museum in Modena and Malbork Castle in Poland.


Kateryna Zagoriy, co-founder of Zagoriy Foundation, says: «It is a real miracle and a common achievement of all Ukrainians that we have managed to save The Cathedral from the 11th century. We should be grateful to the scientists, builders, restorers and museum workers. Also, we should certainly  be grateful to the philanthropists of all times. It is a big honor for us to continue their work. The reconstruction of Saint Sophia in the times of Ivan Mazepa was a symbol of recovery of Ukrainian State from the Ruin. I am sure our joint project with pharmaceutical companies «Darnitsa» and «InterChem» will be an important step in the returning of charitable giving culture in Ukraine».

Nelya Kukovalska, the director of National Sanctuary «Sophia of Kyiv» adds: «Pharmacists and museum workers have a common mission — to take care about health. Pharmacists care about people’s health and museum workers — about the health of historic sites. We are sincerely grateful to the philanthropists, who gave the «magic pill» to Saint Sophia!»